Running this webgl-mcc-accelerometer-demo

Note: A step-by-step lab where you can build and debug the demo is found on your LinuxLink dashboard.

You will need a WebGL capable browser.

Tested configurations:
O/S Version Browser Version
Ubuntu 10.04 Chrome 22.0.1229.94
Ubuntu 10.04 Firefox 18.0.2
Windows XP Firefox 19.0

To enable the browser:


  1. In the address bar enter about:flags
  2. Find the flag Disable WebGL and disable it (this is confusing because it is a double negative - disabling the flag enables the feature)


  1. In the address bar enter about:config
  2. Set webgl.force-enabled to true

To test your browser go here:

In the address bar of your browser, enter the IP address shown above this window.

example: You should see the Tower in the browser tilt as you pick up and tilt the actual hardware. It's a bit jumpy, and may not be precise, but you will see real movement.